Peak Mental Health



Eating Disorders services offered in Phoenix, AZ

Food is crucial for maintaining a healthy life and meeting nutritional requirements, but there are cases where individuals feel as if they shouldn’t eat. Eating disorders are very common and can affect anyone. If you are battling an eating disorder, Brent is able to meet with you and develop a plan to lead you to a healthy relationship with food.
Call Peak Mental Health today or schedule an appointment online to begin treatment and enjoy what you eat.

Eating Disorders Q&A

Eating disorders are disturbances in food intake based on distressed and anxious feelings. These disorders can cause a person to starve themselves, purge the food they eat, or consume large amounts of food after a period of fasting. Those with eating disorders can sometimes be battling body dysmorphia, which is commonly confused as an eating disorder, though it’s something different.

Anyone at any age can develop an eating disorder, but it is commonly found in women ages 13–35. There is no particular reason as to what causes eating disorders, but they are heavily linked to environmental factors such as diet culture and societal standards.
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa results in a person self-starving to lose weight. This eating disorder is related to the fear of gaining weight, so a person will choose not to eat or eat very little.

Bulimia Nervosa
A person with bulimia nervosa deals with the same fear of gaining weight, so they will fast for a period of time before binge eating, followed by purging.

Binge Eating
Binge eating is when a person fasts for a period of time before consuming large quantities of food with no self-control. Unlike bulimia, where the food is purged, those who binge eat can eat until they are uncomfortably full, eat alone, eat at a more rapid pace, or feel disgusted afterward.

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake
This eating disorder occurs when a person constantly fails to meet daily nutritional needs due to either picky eating, lack of interest in eating, or anxiety about eating, such as choking, gaining weight, or developing a negative reaction.

Pica is an eating disorder where a person eats non-food items with no nutritional value, such as paper, soap, hair, or more.

Rumination People with rumination disorder will regurgitate previously swallowed food to chew it again or spit it out.
It’s best for those battling eating disorders to seek help at any point. Prolonged periods of not eating or undergoing eating disorders can cause significant impact on a person’s body, social life, and wellbeing. They can also be potentially life-threatening and lead to death in extreme cases.

Eating disorders can cause a lot of harm to the body and bodily functions. These disorders can affect the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and neurological systems. A person battling an eating disorder can cause themselves to faint, slow digestion, deplete certain chemicals in the body, and become malnourished from starving or inducing vomiting.

Recognizing the disorder early and seeking professional help produces the greatest chance of recovery and protecting bodily functions.
There are several ways a person struggling with an eating disorder can seek help. Treatments Brent provides can include psychotherapy, nutrition education, and medication. Sometimes eating disorders require hospitalization. Talking to a psychiatric professional like Brent and working with a registered dietitian can improve this circumstance and lead to a healthy relationship with food and eating.

Help is available to anyone who is battling eating disorders. Call the office at Peak Mental Health or schedule an appointment online today to receive help immediately.
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