Peak Mental Health

Anxiety treatment services

Anxiety services offered in Phoenix, AZ

Daily life causes anxiety in everyone, but if your anxiety is constant or recurrent, chances are you have an anxiety disorder. Experienced psychiatric nurse practitioner Brent Whitley, PMHNP, at Peak Mental Health, creates individualized treatment plans that help you overcome anxiety and learn to manage stress. If you feel like anxiety rules your life, don’t wait to schedule an appointment.
Call the office in Phoenix, Arizona, or request an appointment online today.

Anxiety Q&A

Anxiety is an expected and beneficial part of daily life. As soon as you feel anxious, your brain releases hormones, giving you the energy you need to deal with the challenge, whether it’s a first date or you’re in a dangerous situation. After the situation ends, your body relaxes, and hormone levels return to normal.

Anxiety becomes a problem when it becomes a persistent feeling that seldom (if ever) goes away. You should consider getting help when your anxiety:

  • Interferes with your daily responsibilities
  • Causes uncontrollable fear and dread
  • Sticks around even when you don’t face an immediate threat
  • Compels you to change your daily activities to prevent anxiety

  • When anxiety disrupts your quality of life, it’s a sign you have an anxiety disorder that needs treatment.
Each anxiety disorder has a specific set of symptoms that sets it apart from the others. However, all of them cause symptoms such as:

  • Fear and dread
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Restlessness
  • Nervousness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle aches
  • Stomach aches
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Severe anxiety may cause a panic attack. Panic attacks occur suddenly and often feel like a heart attack, causing chest pain, difficulty breathing, and dizziness.
Four of the most common anxiety disorders include:
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

GAD causes extreme worry about many everyday issues, such as your job, finances, children, and health concerns.
Social anxiety disorder

This disorder causes an intense fear of social situations, especially when you need to meet new people or perform in front of others.
Separation anxiety disorder

People of all ages can experience separation anxiety, usually because they fear something will happen to them or their family members when they’re apart.
Specific phobias

This phobia occurs when you fear a specific activity, thing, or situation, such as flying on a plane or spiders.
Therapy is usually the primary treatment for anxiety. Brent has years of experience using several therapeutic approaches proven to relieve anxiety. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on learning to identify and change anxiety-provoking thoughts.

Brent may prescribe anti-anxiety medications that quickly improve your symptoms if you have severe anxiety or panic attacks. He may also teach relaxation techniques to reduce stress.

Don’t wait for anxiety to take control of your life. Contact Peak Mental Health or use online booking today to request an appointment.
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